Friday, August 2, 2013

Best Athlete in the world?

Earlier today Dallas Cowboys WR Dez Bryant during an interview said that LeBron James could make the transition to being a football player pretty easily. With LeBron being 6'8, at least 260 lbs, and an All-state receiver his sophomore year in Ohio, this has always been a hot topic. Bryant's comments got me thinking, and how cool would it be to see LeBron in a Miami Dolphins number 6 jersey? I think he would be a great football player! He already has the things you can't teach such as speed, size, and just otherworldly type athleticism. Add all of that on top of the fact that he's played football before at a very elite level in high school, and I think you have yourself an All-pro receiver or tight end. Now obviously the game is night and day between high school and the NFL and plenty of former high school stars turned out to be nobodies in the league, but LeBron is different. The fact that he played in high school means that he knows how to run routes and he knows how to respond to a football playbook even if it is at a lower level. Bryant stated that he thinks that it would only take LeBron a couple of weeks to adjust and be a great player but I disagree. I think initially that LeBron would be a force right out of the gate and would have an amazing first 2 or 3 weeks in the league. I don't think that opposing coaches would know how to deal with him initially. It's not uncommon to see players have instant success in the league due to unorthodox playing styles. Just recently look at players like Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick who jumped right into the water without getting their feet wet, but just like those other players, other coaches would adjust to LeBron and that's when his process would begin. At the very least, LeBron playing football would be fun as hell to watch! He's the greatest pure athlete of our generation and we haven't seen a basketball player try to crossover since Michael Jordan! If you don't believe it would be fun just watch these highlights of LeBron dominating with Kevin Durant during a flag football game!

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